Friday 17 November 2017

Gore Bay Official Visit 2017

Gore Bay's Official Visit, held on Friday, November 3rd, 2017, included the following speech by R. W. Bro. Reg Daigle, District Deputy Grand Master. The work of the evening was the of a passing of Bro. Kevin Smith.

Good evening Brethren.

As I continue on my speeches about supporting and helping out our newest members, for this evening I chose the Grand Lodge programme of Brother to Brother. Bother to Brother doesn't start at Grand Lodge but starts here in Lodge. Your Grand Lodge will assist through your District chairman if you ask. Now, I know a lot of you ask yourselves what does Brother to Brother do to assist a Lodge member? I even asked myself that same question recently, so I did some research and here it is in a nutshell.

Brother to Brother is a committee appointed by the Master of the Lodge and their duties consist of teaching new Master Masons the proper protocol and etiquette in the Lodge room -- for example, the floor work. Its duties will also include the investigating of why a member doesn't attend Lodge anymore -- perhaps there is something we can do to change that. Was he offended or at variance with another Brother or simply doesn't have the means of attending Lodge?

We also should contact suspended members or soon to be suspended. Call a demitted brother and talk to these individuals, keep in touch. Perhaps they will return if we show interest in them. Contact their sponsors. They know him best and may still be in contact with him. Perhaps we missed something when he was a member that we can easily rectify. Contact them by phone ... how is he doing, where is he and what is he doing? These little things may bring him back if we are showing interest.

Now for those who haven't been in Lodge for a period of time, in addition to the summons they receive, give them a call and personally invite him. Or perhaps hold a rusty mason night for them in order that they are more at ease with themselves. I personally know of members that pay their dues and haven't attended Lodge in over ten years. They might be interested in returning if we do things right. They probably forgot the protocol in Lodge and are uncomfortable. Think about it Brethren, and see if you can help a brother. Use your Lodge and Grand Lodge resources, and see if you can make a Brother return to Lodge.

Thank you

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